Is "Rak Eschem Yadati..." a reason to punish you for all your sins?
Rashi: I loved only you, and you sinned against Me. Therefore, I will punish?
Rashi citing Avodah Zarah 4a: A parable explains this. A man lent to someone he loves and to someone he hates. He collects from his friend bit by bit. He collects from the other all at once. Sha'arei Teshuvah 4:13 ? Musar comes upon Tzadikim little by little, until their sins are finished.
Radak: I chose you from all nations. You saw all my signs and wonders that I did for you. Therefore, it is proper that I punish you for your sins. A king is more angry at his servants who stand in front of him, if they transgress his will, than he is at those who are far from him. Hashem is not so concerned if Nochrim do good or evil, unless there is great Chamas, like Dor ha'Mabul. Since Yisrael are close to Me, I punish them ? "bi'Krovai Akadesh" (Vayikra 10:3). So Chazal explained "u'Svivav Nis'arah Me'od" (Tehilim 50:3); Nochrim are different ? Hashem does not judge them [as finely as Yisrael]. I elaborated about this on the verse "veha'Olah Al Ruchachem Hayo Lo Sihyeh" (Yechezkel 20:32).
Malbim: My Hashgachah did not cling to any other Mishpachah like to you. They are under natural order and conduct of the Heavenly legions. Therefore, they are not warned about Shituf (believing that there are different parts of Hashem) ? "Asher Chalak Hashem Elokecha Osam l'Chol ha'Amim Tachas Kol ha'Shamayim; va'Eschem Lakach Hashem va'Yotzi Eschem mi'Kur ha'Barzel mi'Mitzrayim Lihyos Lo l'Am Nachalah?" (Devarim 4:19-20). You are commanded about Hashem's unity, and forbidden to join to My service any foreign service, and Torah and Mitzvos were given to you ? therefore Hashem punishes for all your sins.