
What is the significance of "b'Amri la'Rasha Mos Tamus"?


Malbim: There are three types of sinners. Regarding all of them, you should not withhold your prophecy. (a) One who sins b'Mezid, with contempt, and you know that he will not accept your words. Even so, you must warn him. I decree death on him. Do not say that it is better that he be Shogeg than Mezid! Also refer to 3:20:1:4.


What do we learn from "mi'Darko ha'Resha'ah"?


Radak: A Rasha's way is evil, just like a good person's path is good.


Why does it say "ba'Avono Yamus"?


Radak: He will die a wondrous death in this world, or perforce in the world to come. This is why it says Lechayoso. Some sins, their punishment is in this world, and for some it is in the world to come. Even if he was not warned, he will die for his sin, for he knows that he sins. If you warn him, it is possible that he will repent.


Why will Hashem seek his blood from Yechezkel?


Radak: It is because I commanded you to warn him - "b'Amri la'Rasha." I told you to tell him in My name, as if I tell him. If you did not tell him, you were negligent with his Nefesh, for he would have repented due to your warning! Therefore, I will punish you for this.

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