
Why does it say "Nogeshav Me'olel"?


Rashi: They are scoffers.


Radak: "Me'olel" is like Olel (youth), like "v'Nasati Ne'arim Sareihem" (4).


Radak citing Targum Yonasan: The taskmasters looted [My nation] like those who glean from a vineyard.


Malbim: My nation scoffs at the overseers who approach them to pay the tax, for creditors (refer to 3:12:2:2) rule over all their property, so there is nothing from which to collect the tax.


What is the meaning of "Nashim Mashlu Vo"?


Rashi: Women adulterers ruled over [My nation] - "Ya'an Ki Gavhu Benos Tziyon" (16), and tilted their hearts for evil. Therefore, all the weak ruled over [My nation].


Rashi, from Targum Yonasan: "Nashim" is like Noshim (creditors).


Radak #1: [Men] weak like women ruled over them.


Radak #2: Amidst great pursuit of lust for Bi'ah, women ruled over them, the opposite of "v'Hu Yimshal Bach" (Bereishis 3:16).


What is the meaning of "Ami Me'ashrecha Mas'im"?


Radak, based on Targum Yonasan: One who tells you 'you are fortunate' when you do evil deeds, they deceive you. They are the false Nevi'im who praise you for your evil deeds.


Radak: "Me'ashrecha" is like Meyashrecha - those who should have straightened you [to go] in the good path, they deceived you.


Malbim: "Me'ashrecha", who lead you in the path of happiness, make you stray from the [good] path.


Why does it say "v'Derech Orchosecha Bile'u"?


Rashi: They swallowed and ruined your ways, that you did not return to the good path, and you went in the evil path.


Malbim: They swallowed and ruined the path in which you went until now, so you cannot return to it. This is the path of the Torah, which is the paved road for the Rabim, the fundamentals of the creed and Emunah. From this path branch out many minor paths. Me'ashrim of the time (who lead in the path of happiness) veered the nation to the crooked paths, via deceiving them about fundamentals of Emunah, to the point that there is no cure. They feared lest they abandon their evil way via the great (Torah) path. My nation lost physical success of wealth and income (refer to 3:12:1:4), and success of the Nefesh in Avodas Hashem.

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