
Why did He say "Tzadkah Nafshah"?


Rashi: Yisrael exempted herself from the judgment, for she did not have from whom to learn.


Radak, Malbim: In comparison, Yisrael was better than Yehudah. Radak - Yehudah disgraced Beis Hashem - they entered idolatry there, stopped Avodas Hashem and served idolatry in the Bayis itself. It says about Achaz that he commanded to make a Mizbe'ach in the Beis ha'Mikdash like the Mizbe'ach in Damesek, (Melachim II, 16:10-11) ceased the Avodah and locked the doors of Beis Hashem, extinguished the Neros and did not offer the Ketores (Divrei ha'Yamim II, 29:7). He passed his son through the fire [to Molech] (Melachim II, 21:6), and also Menasheh did, and he bowed to all the stars, was Me'onen, Menachesh, did witchcraft, Ov and Yid'oni, more than the Emori before him (Divrei ha'Yamim II, 33:3, 6). He made Yehudah sin with is idolatry, "spilled much innocent blood

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