
What is "u've'Shilyasah ha'Yotzeis mi'bein Raglehah" referring to?


Rashi: It refers to the little children that she leaves over and does not eat. 1


Rashbam and Targum Yonasan: It refers to the afterbirth (the fetal sac), which, together with the babies that she will now bear, she will eat in secret ( so that they should not know and ask her to share them with her - Rashbam).


Refer to 28:57:151:1 .


Seeing as babies are born from the womb, why does the Torah write "me'Bein Raglehah"?


Yevamos, 103a: Because, when a woman is about to give birth, she places her heels between her thighs (and it appears as if the baby is born from between her legs - Yerushalmi Yevamos, 12:1).


Oznayim la'Torah: The Shilyah, which is full of caked blood and discharges, is in any event revolting - even to cannnibls - and the Torah is adding here the fact that it came from between the legs, with reference to the location of the urine, to stress that, in spite of this, due to the severity of the famine, she will keep it all to herself to eat



Rashi writes that 'Shilyasah is her small children. Why is that not included in "u've'Vanehah"?


Ha'Kesav ve'ha'Kabalah: "Shilyasah" can refer to a newborn. 1 It is from the root 'Shal' (to cast off, like "Venashal ha'Barzel min ha'Eitz" ? 19:5).


Ha'amek Davar: And it is natural for a woman to love her newborn baby very much ? as the Pasuk indicates in Yeshayah 49:15 "ha'Sishkach Ishah Ulah me'Rachem ben Bitnah".

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