
Why does it say "Chacham b'Einav Ish Ashir"?


R. Yonah: Refer to 18:23:2:2.


Malbim: We explained that Chacham b'Einav is worse than a Kesil (refer to 26:11:1:1). A Kesil is estranged from the ways of Chachmah due to his desires. A Chacham b'Einav thinks that his evil ways are the ways of Chachmah. He jests about the laws of Chachmah and its matters, in many ways. (a) Via great wealth - he sees that his ways succeed, and Hashem does not punish him for his evil deeds. He thinks that his deeds are accepted, and they are the ways of Chachmah.


What is the meaning of "Ish Ashir v'Dal Mevin"?


Rashi: This refers to a Rebbi and his Talmid. The Talmid investigates, and via this the Rebbi grows wiser.


Malbim: A Dal, if he understands that through Binah, he can explain matters and clarify hidden matters. He investigates and understands that his success is not true success. Wealth and worldly pleasures are success only for the animalistic body, which is not the true person. Man is disguised in the form of an animal. He resembles other animals, which find all their needs easily 1 . No one is richer than a pig (Shabbos 155b, for it eats anything).


Shabbos 155b: A dog is the poorest animal - its food is scarce! Animals get their needs without pain. Man should have received his needs without pain. He is financed through pain due to his sins. (Perhaps Malbim means that an Ashir is like an animal, which gets its needs without toil. - PF)

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