
What is the meaning of "Asisa Lecha Chayil"?


Rashi: Did you acquire property 1 ? Radak ? you think that it is with your Chachmah, like Melech Ashur said haughtily "b'Cho'ach Yadi Asisi uv'Chachmasi Ki Nevonosi" (Yeshayah 10:13).


Malbim: Also your wealth that you are haughty about it ? did you make it like something artificial with practical Chachmah? Do you know alchemy or hidden Segulos, that from inferior metals in your storehouses, they are changed to gold and silver?! Or, can you create gold and silver through a hidden Chachmah or way of drawing influence? You did not gather it this way!


This is said in astonishment ? did you acquire via your Chachmah and Tevunah?! (PF).


Does the verse ask if he made gold and silver?


Rashi citing Targum Yonasan: No ? rather, did you gather it [via your Chachmah and Tevunah]?! Radak ? "Asisa" and "va'Ta'as" are like "va'Ta'as ha'Aretz" (Bereishis 41:47), "Asah Li Es ha'Chayil ha'Zeh" (Devarim 8:17).


Malbim: Refer to 28:4:1:2.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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