
What is the meaning of "va'Yisro la'Mishpat Elokav Yorenu"?


Sanhedrin 105a: When Yeshayah told Yisrael to repent, they said that the Yetzer ha'Ra rules over them. He told them, afflict your inclinations! They said, "Elokav Yorenu "(Hashem, who created it, should instruct it what to do)."


Rashi: Even one that his G-d instructs him, He will not send Nevi'im to rebuke him forever. Since he does not heed rebuke, He will afflict him with judgments of affliction, in order that the toil of rebuke that He gave will help. This is like one who levels the ground, in order that the toil of plowing that he did will help.


Radak: It is as if it says vEi'lokav Yisro la'Mishpat v'Yorenu; Kel put only this Chachmah in his heart.


Radak citing his father: This is like one who seeds - he hits the hard clumps in order to level the ground like it should be. After, he hopes to Hashem to give rain, and the crops will sprout. Yorenu is like "Yoreh u'Malkosh" (Devarim 11:14).


Radak (29): He sent Nevi'im to them constantly to rebuke them. This is like rain - "Elokav Yorenu 1 ."


Malbim: Just like plowing needs seeding, so Hashem afflicts a person la'Mishpat (for a purpose), so via this his G-d will instruct him - he will put to his heart to hear, and he will succeed to receive the seeds of Chachmah, fear, Musar and Da'as.


Elokav Yorenu is like "Yoreh u'Malkosh" like Radak brought from his father (PF)

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