
What are the connotations of "Arur asher Lo Yakim ... "?


Rashi and Targum Yonasan: Here Yisrael undertook to uphold the entire Torah with a curse (if they will not do so) and an oath.


Ramban #1 and Seforno: It means that he believes that someone who keeps all the Mitzvos will receive reward, and that someone who denies even one Mitzvah or who thinks that it has become obsolete will be cursed. Ramban: It does not pertain to someone who does an Aveirah due to lust or laziness ? since the Torah did not write 'Asher Lo Ya'aseh', but "Asher Lo Yakim" ? like in Esther, 9:27 "Kiymu ve'Kiblu ha'Yehudim") all the Mitzvos are true and that someone who observes them receives reward and someone who transgresses them is punished. 1


Ramban #2 (citing the Yerushalmi in Sotah, 7:4) and Da'as Zekenim (citing Midrash Shochar Tov): It implies that even if someone studies the Torah and teaches it, observes and performs all the Mitzvos in the Torah, but declines to support others to do so, even though he was able to, he falls under the category of "Arur!" 2


Ramban #3 (citing the Yerushalmi in Sotah 7:4): It pertains to the one who [performs Hagbah] 3 but does not lift up the Seifer Torah to show its writing to all the congregants - men and women -to his right and to his left, to those in front of him and to those behind him, so they will bow and say "ve'Zos ha'Torah asher Sam Moshe ..." (4:44). 4


Rashbam: It is said with reference to all sins 5 that are performed in secret.


Sha'arei Teshuvah 1:6: Somone who does not take upon himself to fulfill the entire Torah, from beginning to end, is like one who denies one detail of Torah [which is akin to denying the entire Torah].


Moshav Zekenim: Someone who does not fulfill [whateveer he can], or does not believe that Divrei Torah are alive and lasting, is cursed.


Yerushalmi Sotah, 7:4 #1: It refers to the Beis-Din - or to anybody else who has the authority (Torah Temimah) - who fail to use their authority to uphold the Torah. 6


Yerushalmi Sotah, 7:4: #2: Even if he studied Torah and taught it, 'guarded' it and observed the Mitzvos, if he did not support those who learn Torah, he is subject to 'Arur'. 7


Ramban and Seforno: This implies agreeing with absolute faith


Da'as Zekenim: On the other hand, someone who did not learn, teach, guard or fulfill and was in jail, but he protested against others (who transgressed), is included in "blessed is one who upholds this Torah!" Also see Ramban, DH 'u'vi'Yerushalmi'.


See also Torah Temimah, citing the Yerushalmi, Ibid. and note 30, who presents two other explanations in this Yerushalmi.


Ramban: As it states in Maseches Sofrim, 14:8.


Refer to 27:15:1:1.


Like we find by Yoshiyahu ha'Melech. See Torah Temimah, note 28.


Conversely, even if he did not study Torah or teach it, 'guard' it observe the Mitzvos and was in not able to support those who learn Torah, if he nevertheless did support them, he is subject to 'Baruch'.


What are the connotations of the word "Amen"?


Ba'al ha'Turim: The Gematriyah of "Amen" (91) equals that of the Name 'Havayah' ('Yud Kei Vav Kei') and 'Ado-nai' (spelled with Aleph Dalet) combined. 1


Shabbos 119b: It is the acronym of 'Keil Melech Ne'eman'.


Shevu'os 36a: It implies an acceptance of whatever preceded it, 2 which we learn from the current Pasuk.


Ba'al ha'Turim: Which is why the Gemara says in B'rachos 53b that one who answers 'Amen' is greater than the person who recites the B'rachah.


Torah Temimah, note 30.


Yisrael cannot fulfill all the Mitzvos nowadays. Does that mean that they are all cursed?


Moshav Zekenim: The Torah does not write 'asher Lo Ya'aseh', but "asher Lo Yakim" ? with reference to what one is obligated to observe, but fails to.


Based on the principle 'Oneis Rachmana Patreih', it is obvious that, if one is unable to fulfil a Mitzvah, he is Parur, and how can one be cursed for not dong something that he is not Chayav to do?

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