
If they were to place the stones in the Yarden as they crossed it, what are the following Pesukim referring to?



Rashi writes, based on Sotah 35b & 36a, that they set up three sets of stones - in the Yarden, in Gilgal and on Har Eival. But in Yehoshua (4:3 & 7), Rashi explains that the stones in Gilgal were synonymous with the ones that they took to Har Eival?


Rashi writes, based on Sotah 35b & 36a, that they set up stones three times - in the Yarden, in Gilgal and on Har Eival. The Gemara says that Moshe set up stones in Eretz Mo'av. Why does Rashi omit this? And why does he mention Gilgal before Har Eival, seeing as they erected them in Har Eival, and then took them to Gilgal?

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