
What is the comparison of man to a bird "Nodedes Min Kinah"?


Rashi: It goes and moves [from the nest]. So is a man who roams from his place, a Chacham who departs from learning 1 , to review the text [of his learning].


Malbim: Man has similar nature to other living beings. Their nature is not to change their place. Also a bird, whose way is to wander - "ka'Tzipor Lanud" (26:2), when it wanders from its nest, it seeks to return to it. Also man's nature is to return to his place.


Malbim (the Nimshal): Man's Nefesh desires to return to its place - to Elokim, who gave it. While it is in this world, it is like a bird that wanders from its nest, and longs to return to its place, to be tied in the bind of life.


Chagigah 9b applies our verse to him.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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