
What is the meaning of "Ne'etaros"?


Rashi: It is an expression of magnitude, like "[va'Tagdilu


What do we learn from "Ne'emanim Pitz'ei Ohev v'Ne'etaros Neshikos Sonei"?


Sanhedrin 105b: Achiyah ha'Shiloni's curse against Yisrael was better than Bil'am's blessings. Achiyah said "v'Hikah Hashem Es Yisrael Ka'asher Yanud ha'Kaneh ba'Mayim (Yisrael should be stricken like a reed)." A reed grows near water. It grows back when it is cut. It has many roots. The strongest winds do not uproot it. It bends with them, and when they desist it stands erect.

Also, it is used to write Torah, Nevi'im and Kesuvim. Bil'am blessed Yisrael to be like a cedar tree, which does not grow near water, does not grow back when cut, has few roots, and the (other) strong winds do not uproot it, but the south wind topples it.


Malbim: Even if a lover strikes him to chastise him to return him to the good path, the love is faithful, that all this is from great love - "Ka'asher Yeyaser Ish Es Bno Hashem Elokecha Meyasreka" (Devarim 8:5). However, a hater gives many kisses. He does not chastise or rebuke, for amidst hatred, when he sees evil deeds, he kisses him, so he will increase to do so.

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