
Why does it say 'She'ol va'Avado Lo Tisbanah"?


Tamid 32b, according to the Mefaresh and the Rosh: Just like the grave and Gehinom always want more to come there, also man always desires more (until he is buried in the earth 1 ).


Rashi: They are not satiated [and unable] to receive Resha'im, just like a Rasha's eyes are not satiated from going after the Yetzer ha'Ra, from fulfilling its desire.


Malbim: Man's eyes and desires are never satiated. All that he attains from desire for money, he requests more. The substance from which man was created (ha'Yuli) constantly abandons its form and takes another form. The pit and destruction are not satiated, for physicality does not stand for a moment without lack and loss. Also man's nature is to seek new matters every moment. Every coveted matter that comes to his hands, immediately it is missing from him, and he seeks another in place of it. Also his eyes are satiated with wealth.


32b: Alexandrus Mukdan came to the entrance to Gan Eden. They gave to him a skull. It outweighed all his gold and silver. Chachamim explained, flesh and blood are never sated. They always seek to draw more towards itself. Cover it with earth (so it cannot see), and then you can find its weight.

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