What is the meaning of "Shatim Lach"?
Rashi: They hold the oars to conduct you.
Radak citing Targum Yonasan: They sailed for you, to bring merchandise to you.
What is the significance of from where they came?
Malbim: After teaching that the boat it and its Kelim were from many nations, and not from Tzor, it explains that also those who conduct it and do their work are from other nations. Just like Tzor's wealth and trade came to it from outside, also its Chachamim, civil leaders, craftsmen and carpenters in it were from other nations and distant islands!
What is the meaning of "Chachamayich Tzor Hayu Vach"?
Radak: The verse calls out to Tzor ? your Chachamim were in you. You did not need to bring Chachamim from another city who know how to conduct boats!
Who are "Chovelayich"?
Rashi: They hold the rudder to direct and straighten the boat.
Radak: They pull the ropes of the sail properly. One must do so with Chachmah to catch the wind. One of them, the captain, teaches the others how to hold, and he holds the rudder.
Malbim: They are those who conduct the boat and rule over it. From them came your king and officers!