Why does it say "v'Rivkah Amrah" (with the prefix Vav)?
Ohr ha'Chayim: She concurred with Ru'ach ha'Kodesh that dwelled on her. 1
Refer to 27:8:152:1.
Why does it say "Leimor Hinei"?
Ohr ha'Chayim: She told him that Yitzchak said so just now, so there is time to do like she says before Esav will return.
Why did Rivkah omit the words "Sa Chelecha... v'Tzei ha'Sadeh" (27:3)?
Malbim: Had Yaakov known that his father wanted particularly what is hunted from the field, he would not have wanted to take from the flock.
Why does it say "Leimor, Hinei"?
Ohr ha'Chayim: "Leimor" teaches that she is not saying Yitzchak's words verbatim, rather, the content.