
What are the ramifications of the B'rachah, "ve'Al Charbecha Tichyeh"?


Ramban: That Eisav will vanquish other nations, and that he himself will be unconquerable. Only Yisrael will be able to stand up to him - until he will be in pain. 1


Refer to 27:40:1:1 & 27:40:1:2.


What did Yitzchak mean when he blessed Eisav, "Vehayah Kasher Tarid u'Farakta Ulon ... "?


Rashi, Targum Onkelos and Targum Yonasan: He meant that when Ya'akov fails to observe the Torah, he (Eisav) will cast off his yoke. 1


Ramban, Rashbam and Seforno: He meant thatr when Ya'akov is too harsh on Eisav, he will cast off his yoke. 2


Da'as Zekenim: He meant that when he (Eisav) will willingly serve Ya'akov, he will cast off his yoke - so that he will be unable to subjugate him excessively.


Ohr ha'Chayim #1: All Eisav's B'rachos are for when he will serve Ya'akov, or he is subjugated under him. He will cast off his yoke, but then Beis Ya'akov will be a flame [that will consume Eisav - Ovadyah 1:18). This is why it says "Vehayah," an expression of Simchah, for then Shamayim and Aretz will rejoice.


Ohr ha'Chayim #2: He meant that when Ya'akov will rule in the world, 3 he (Eisav) will cast off his yoke, but neither of you will rule over the other.


This is similar to the prophecy during Rivkah's pregnancy, according to Targum Yonasan. Refer to 25:23:3:1.


This is a warning to Yisrael not to transgress the command in Devarim (2:5) against provoking the B'nei Eisav - which they did in the days of David ha'Melech (See Melachim I 11:16).


Ha'amek Davar: The nation called Edom will never be a mighty kingdom, just individuals from Edom will rule over nations - such as the Caesars of Rome who came from Tz'fo ben Elifaz. TAnd it is through them that Edom will leave the yoke of Ya'akov.



Rashi writes: "'When you will be pained' - When Bnei Yisrael transgress the Torah...." How do we know that Esav's claim due to his pain is only valid when the Bnei Yisrael sin?


Gur Aryeh #1: A person only feels pained upon seeing someone else more successful, if he feels that that person does not deserve it, such as a Rasha. (As long as Bnei Yisrael keep the Torah, Esav must admit that they are deserving!)


Gur Aryeh #2: If Esav could remove his yoke any time he felt pained, the blessings Yaakov had received would never take effect! 1


Therefore, we must say that this caveat refers to specific circumstances only, i.e. when Bnei Yisrael do not keep the Torah.

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