What is the significance of the doouble expression, "Ach Yatzo Yatza Ya'akov..."?
Rashi: The Torah is telling us here that Ya'akov left just as Eisav arrived. 1
Bereishis Rabah (66:5): He did not fully leave 2 until after Eisav entered. The doors folded back, and Ya'akov hid behind them. Da'as Zekenim - Eisav was in a place of light, so Ya'akov saw him enter, but Eisav could not see Ya'akov, because it was dark in back of the door.
Ha'amek Davar: He left Yitzchak's room, and the entire house. Had Eisav come when Ya'akov was in the house removing [Eisav's] garments and the skins from his hands, he would have sensed [what happened]. He did not come until Ya'akov removed them and left the house. 3
Gur Aryeh: How do we know this? The Pasuk does not say, 'when he left,' but rather, 'he was just leaving' (adding the word "Ach").
Mat'nos Kehunah: The Midrash learns from "Ach," which is an exclusion. The Aruch expounds the extra "Yatza".
Perhaps Eisav saw him outside the house, dressed normally, and did not suspect anything. (PF)
What happened to delay Esav's return from the hunt, thereby enabling Yaakov to escape by the skin of his teeth?
"Va'Yehi" always implies pain. What was the pain here?
Ohr ha'Chayim #1: The Torah laments that he did not give all of the Berachos to Yaakov, and nothing would remain for Esav. Had he done so, there would be no hope for Edom.
Ohr ha'Chayim #2: Yaakov was pained due to fear, when he sensed Esav coming, lest his father 'catch' him like a thief in a tunnel.
Rashi writes that Yaakov left just as Esav arrived. What is the reason for this?
Rashbam: This was a miracle. 1 Had Esav arrived a moment earlier, nothing would have come of the Berachos. 2
Malbim: HaSh-m arranged that he enter just then, so Yitzchak's affirmation "Gam Baruch Yihyeh" be Toch Kedei Dibur 3 of Yaakov's Berachos.
Ha'amek Davar: There was no delay in between, so there was no time 4 for the Ru'ach ha'Kodesh (that Yitzchak received for the Berachos) to leave him.
Indeed, Yaakov would have been lucky to escape with his life! (EC)
Within the time to say three or four words. Even though 26 words were said in between, they pertain to realizing that Yaakov was blessed, so they do not interrupt. (PF)
Ha'amek Davar holds that there was time for Yaakov to remove the garments and skins and leave the house (refer to 27:30:1:3). This is not enough time for Ru'ach ha'Kodesh to leave. Chasidim ha'Rishonim, after reaching a level close to prophecy in Tefilah (Tur OC 98), waited a full hour afterwards [before going to learn or engaging in matters of this world] - Berachos 32b. (PF)