
Bearing in mind that the smell of goat's skins is particularly repugnant, how could Yitzchak describe the aroma that accompanied Ya?akov as "like a field that Hashem blessed"?


Rashi: In fact with Ya?akov there entered the smell of Gan Eden 1 - which is equivalent to that of an apple-orchard. 2


Targum Yonasan: Eisav's clothes now adopted the smell of the Ketores which would later be brought in the Beis-ha'Mikdash (which is called 'a field blessed by Hashem, and) in which the Shechinah will rest.


Rashbam: Eisav's garments were spiced (though it is not clear who spiced them) like a field that is full of 'Neird, Karkom, Kaneh and Kinamon' (four of the basic spices used in the Ketores).


Sifsei Chachamim - Esav's special garments were from Nimrod, and originally, from Adam ha'Rishon. See also Ba'al ha'Turim.


Malbim: Really, Chazal refer to an Esrog orchard. It is the only fruit whose tree and peel have smell. (We bless on the smell of apples (MB 216:8)! Perhaps the smell is due to the fruits, and not the peel. The peels of lemons and oranges have smell! Perhaps all citrus fruits are called Esrogim. Some are unsure if they are all like Esrogim regarding Kil'ayim (Shevus Yaakov 1:36) and Ma'aser (Chazon Ish Shevi'is 7:16). - PF)


What is the significance of "Re'ach Begadav"?


Sanhedrin 37a: Do not read "Begadav" but "Bogdav" (his traitors) - to teach us that even the worst sinners in Yisrael are worthy of a Berachah, because they too, sometimes overcome their Yetzer ha'Ra. 1


Refer to 27:27:1:4.


Malbim: "Begadav" are wealth and matters of this world, which normally have no scent or spiritual content for the Neshamah to benefit from. Yitzchak sensed that Yaakov's 'Begadim' have scent and spiritual content - they will enable him to do Tzedakah, Chesed and learn Torah!


See Torah Temimah, note 12, who cites the entire Chazal.


Why did the fragrance emerge specifically from Yaakov's clothing (Begadav)? The Gemara (Sanhedrin 37a) interprets the word as 'Bogedav' - his traitors; why are the good deeds of the wicked referred to as 'fragrance'?


Maharal #1 (Chidushei Agados Vol. 3, p. 145 to Sanhedrin 37a): Clothing is secondary to a person; so too are the wicked secondary to the righteous. 1 Nevertheless, even the wicked and empty among Klal Yisrael perform good deeds for the sake of Heaven; termed 'fragrance' because they come from [one who is] far away.


Maharal #2 (ibid.): Scent is associated with Midas ha'Din. 2 When a Rasha does a good deed, he uses this Midah by battling and overcoming his Yetzer ha'Ra.


Maharal: The righteous have the title Adam; whereas the wicked are secondary and distant from them.


Also see Maharal (Gevuros Hashem Ch. 43, p. 163)


Why did Yitzchak mention 'a field' here?


Ramban: He was actually blessing Eisav with success in all his hunting endeavors in the field," 1 and that no harm should befall him there.


Seforno: Refer to 27:27:3:1.


Sifri (in Devarim): We learn from this Pasuk that Yitzchak saw the Beis-Hamikdash when it was built - "Re'ei Re'ach B?ni", 2 when it was destroyed - "k'Rei'ach Sadeh" 3 and when it will be rebuilt - "asher Bercho Hashem". 4


He was termed Ish Sadeh at the beginning of the Parshah (25:27).


Sifri: As the Pasuk states - "le'Rei'ach Nicho'ach."


Sifri: As the Pasuk writes in Yirmiyah 26:18 "Tziyon Sadeh Techaresh".


Sifri: In the days of Mashi'ach, as the Pasuk writes, "Ki Sham Tzivah Hashem es ha'Bracha Chaim Ad ha'Olam!" (Tehilim 133:3).


Why did Yitzchak inhale the aroma? What did he mean that it was like a field?


Seforno: Yitzchak intentionally filled his soul with the pleasure of a pleasant aroma (to help obtain Ru'ach ha'Kodesh, to bless him). 1 Yitzchak pointed out to his son that like a field, which, over and above the food that it provides for people or animals, HaSh-m added a beautiful aroma which adds spiritual pleasure 2 to all - this is from the ways of HaSh-m's Goodness.


Seforno: As Chazal have said (Berachos 31b), 'What is it that the Neshamah derives pleasure from it but not the body? A pleasant aroma.'


Note the connection between 'Rei'ach' and 'Ru'ach.'


To what Berachah does the word "va'Yevarechehu" refer?


Ohr ha'Chayim (to 27:28) #1: HaSh-m gave the key of Berachos to Avraham, and he gave it to Yitzchak, and now Yitzchak gave it to Yaakov.


Ohr ha'Chayim (to 27:28) #2: Corresponding to spiritual Berachos, it says "va'Yevarechehu" without specifying.


Ha'amek Davar: It was amidst gratitude for the pleasure he received from his smell.



Rashi writes: "'A field that HaSh-m has blessed' - I.e. that He has granted good fragrance." What is Rashi explaining?


Gur Aryeh: "Blessing" usually means increase. We should not interpret as, 'a field that has been blessed with many fruits,' for that in itself is not a reason for its fragrance. 1


But see Seforno; refer to 27:27:3:1.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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