How could Ya'akov (who was the epitome of Emes), lie so blatantly to his father?
Rashi: He meant "I am (the one bringing to you), and Eisav is your firstborn." 1 It was a white lie (since it was the truth; only that Yitzchak understood it differently). 2 Likewise, when he added, "Asisi ka'asher Dibarta Elai," he had indeed done many things like`Yitzchak said - in which case that too was a white lie.
Chizkuni #1: For a temporary need, one may deviate from the truth, like Avraham said, "Say that I am your brother" (20:13).
Chizkuni #2 Ohr ha'Chayim and Malbim: Ya'akov was the B'chor, since he bought the Bechorah from Eisav (and since he was the B'chor, he was Eisav - Ohr ha'Chayim and Malbim). 3
R. Bechayei: You give the B'RACHOS due to the Bechorah. Since I bought the Bechorah from Eisav; I am in place of him.
Asarah Ma'amaros Perek 18, #1: Ya'akov was created from the first drop of Zera. 4
Asarah Ma'amaros Perek 18, #2: Ya'akov was the B'chor to Shamayim (his Neshamah was created first); Eisav was only the physical B'chor. 5
Presumably, Rashi learns this from the fact that Ya'akov said "Anochi" and not 'Ani.' Note that (in 27:32), in answer to the same question, Eisav replied "Ani Bincha Bechorcha Eisav." Also see Gur Aryeh; refer to 27:19:1.2:1. Oznayim la'Torah - the Torah writes "mi'Devar Sheker Tirchak" (Sh'mos 23:7) to teach us that, if one must lie (because of Darkei Shalom or in a case such as the current one), one should distance the lie as much as possible by at least expressing oneself in a way that has dual implications.
In fact, Ya'akov would have been permitted to lie directly (bearing in mind that he was fulfilling his mother's express orders and that, as the commentaries explain, he was performing a Mitzvah, by taking away from Eisav that which he was not worthy of). It is only because he was the Ish Emes that he minimized the deviation from the truth in this way.
Ohr ha'Chayim: You commanded Eisav, because [you thought that] he is the B'chor. Since I am the B'chor, it is as if you commanded me, and I did like you commanded!
Refer to 25:26:1:1*.
See Rashi in 25:26, DH 'Vayikra Sh'mo Ya'akov'.
Why did Yaakov say "Anochi Esav Bechorecha," whereas Esav said "Ani Bincha Vechorecha Esav" (27:32)?
Malbim: One says first what [Chidush] is primary to him. Yaakov was the Bechor, due to the sale. His Chidush was, I am Esav; it is true, since he is the Bechor. For Esav, 'I am Esav' is no Chidush. His (false) Chidush was to claim to be the Bechor, even though he sold it. "Anochi" stresses the speaker's identity. Yaakov said so, to stress that he is Esav. Esav had no need to say so; his Chidush was the adjective (I am the Bechor).
Why did Yaakov mention the Bechorah?
Ha'amek Davar: This Berachah is only for this world. It is more relevant to Bechorah than matters of Kedushah are. All the matters of Kedushah that used to belong to Bechoros were taken from them and given to others. See Ha'amek Davar to 48:14. 1
Perhaps he refers to Reuven losing kingship, Kehunah and being two Shevatim). However, in 48:14 he says that Efrayim came first for supernatural matters, but Menasheh still was first in natural matters.
Rashi writes: "'Anochi Esav Bechorecha' - It is I who brings to you; and Esav is your firstborn!" Why interpret Yaakov's words in this way?
Gur Aryeh: HaSh-m hates falsehood; how could Yaakov attain His blessings by means of falsehood? By interpreting in this way, Rashi explains that Yaakov did not lie.
Rashi writes: "'Anochi Esav Bechorecha' - It is I who brings to you; and Esav is your firstborn!" How is this interpretation alluded to in Yaakov's words?
Gur Aryeh: Yaakov used the word "Anochi," whereas Esav later used the word "Ani" (27:32). Grammatically, when the word 'Ani' appears in construct, the letter Alef has a Chataf-Patach, but when it appears at a pause, it has a Kamatz. 1 If Yaakov had used the word 'Ani,' he would have had to use a Kamatz at his pause, and Yitzchak would understand that it was not Esav! Yaakov chose the word "Anochi," which is vowelized the same way in either case.
For example, see 27: 24,34.