
What are the connotations of "Va'hashimosi Ani es ha'Aretz??


Rashi #1, Rashbam and Targum Yonasan: Refer to 26:31:4:1.


What are the implications of "Ve'sham'mu alehah Oyveichem"?


Ramban: It implies that, in spite of the fact that no land can match the beauty of Eretz Yisrael, after it will be destroyed it will become so desolate that no nation will succeed in settling in it. 1


Rashi (in Melachim 1, 9:8): It means that the nations who live there will be astounded (at the extent of the desolation).


Ramban: A fact that history has borne out. Refer also to 26:31:4:1.


Bearing in mind the previous Pasuk ("va'Hashimosi es Mikdesheichem") why does the Torh here insert the word "va'Hashimosi Ani es ha'Aretz"?


Moshav Zekenim: Because Eretz Yisrael is not on the same level of Kedushah as the Beis ha'Mikdash, and it is if Hashem helped to destroy it - though He did not raise a Hand against the Mikdash. 1


Moshav Zekenim: As the Pasuk hints in Eichah 2:3 "Heshiv Achor Yemino" and in Shir ha'Shirim 2:9 "Hinei Omeid Achar Kosleinu".

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