
What does the Torah mean when it writes "Vechafalta es ha'Yeri'ah ha'Shishis ... "?


Rashi and Rashbam: It means that half of it hung in front of the Mishkan (like a modest Kalah with a veil on her face) - and half of the curtain at the other end hung down two Amos below the bottom curtains. 1


As the Torah explains in Pasuk 12. Refer to 26:12:1:4 and note 1.


Why does the Torah state that the sixth curtain was doubled in front of the Mishkan - seeing as only half of it hung down in front, and it was not doubled?


Riva #1 (citing R. Elyakim) and Tosfos ha'Shalem (in Pasuk 9, citing Hadar Zekenim): Anything that is not stretched is called 'Kaful'.


Riva #2: Because "Vechafalta es ha'Yeri'ah" is as if it had written 'min ha'Yeriah' (part of it). 1


Riva: Like we find in Va'eira, Sh'mos, 9:29 "ke'Tzeisi es ha'Ir" - which means 'min ha'Ir'.


The Gemara states that the boards were one Amah thick, the north and south walls covered two Amos of the western wall, and the Mishkan was ten Amos wide. How do we kow that they were not half an Amah thick, and that the Mishkan was eleven Amos wide?


Riva (citing Tuch): Because we learn from the Heichal (which was twenty Amos wide - a third of its length [sixty Amos]) that it was a third of its length, and the Mishkan wwas thirty Amos long.


How did the thirty Amos length of the goats-hair curtains cover the width of the Mishkan?


Rashi: There was one extra Amah past the first curtains, to cover the exposed Amah of Kerashim on each side 1 . Only the sockets remained exposed. 2


Rashbam (in Pasuk 9): There was one extra Amah past the first curtains, to cover the sockets, which the first curtains left exposed. 3


Like the veil of a modest bride (Rashi).


According to Rashi's first explanation (Refer to 26:4:1:1**), the one Amah (socket), according to his second explanation - Refer to 26:4:1:1 (Sifsei Chachamim).


This conforms to the Gemara in Shabbos, 98b.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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