
Seeing as the Paroches required only four pillars, why did the entrance to the Ohel Mo'ed require five?


Oznayim la'Torah (in Pasuk 32): Because, whereas the former where located inside the space of the Mishkan, the latter were located on the outside, in line with the boards of the north and south walls 1 - so that the three spaces between the four pillars of the Paroches were equal to the four spaces between the pillars of the screen at the entrance.


Oznayim la'Torah #2 (in Pikudei, 38:27): The Paroches ought to have had five pillars, and the reason it had only four is because the sockets of the Paroches were made of silver, 2 and, bearing in mind that there was exactly one hundred Kikar of silver - based on the six hundred thousand who were counted - there was not enough silver to make the extra socket.


To which they were fixed with a kind of peg (Oznayim la'Torah, Ibid. citing the Malbim).


As opposed to the sockets of the entrance of the Ohel Mo'ed were made of copper, which was donated and of which there was a surplus..

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