
What were the 'Vavim"?


Rashi and Rashbam: They were 'Vav'-shaped hooks to which the top of the Paroches was attached. 1


Refer to 26:31:1:1*.


What were the dimensions or shape of the pillars that held the Paroches?


Mizrachi (in Pasuk 5): They were an Amah thick [from east to west].


Malbim: Just like the sockets were an Amah wide and three quarters of an Amah thick, so were the pillars. 1


R. Avraham ben ha'Rambam: The pillars were round. They had no protrusion at the bottom; the entire width fitted into the socket (it had a round cavity to fit the pillar).


Taima d'Kra (27): They were an Amah by an Amah, just like those of the Masach (refer to 26:37:151:2).


There are two sockets under each Keresh (Pasuk 19); the Gemara assumed that two sockets together were as wide and thick as the Keresh over them. The Malbim assumes that similarly, each socket of the pillars is wide and thick as the pillar over it. Perhaps he extrapolates that they all had the same dimensions, from the fact that all the sockets were a Kikar of silver (38:27). However, others can hold that the dimensions were different; they had the same weight because a different amount was hollowed out (to hold the Yados, or even if the Yados were the same size - refer to 26:17:152:1 - PF).

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