
What is the meaning of "Af Orach Mishpatecha Hashem Kivinucha"?


Rashi: When we anticipated to receive good from You, we hoped [that You will] show to us the way of the judgments of Your vengeance against Resha'im.


Radak: Even in the way of Mishpat we hoped for You. I.e. even when Your judgments reached us, that You afflicted us with Galus due to our sins, even so we hoped for You. We did not despair from Ge'ulah.


Malbim: I will not ask about afflictions of Tzadikim, for the answer to this is revealed and clear. Man does not see as Hashem does. If Ploni appears like a Tzadik to us, it can be that covertly, he is a Rasha. Yirmeyah (12:1) said "Tzadik Atah Hashem Ki Ariv Elecha Ach Mishpatim Adaber Osach Lamah Derech Resha'im Tzalechah." I.e. if I would 'contest' my case against You, why You brought afflictions on me, I know that You will be justified. I ask only why Resha'im succeed. His evil is known. One cannot say that he is a Tzadik. Why does he succeed?! Also refer to 28:8:2:3.


Why does it say "l'Shimcha ul'Zichrecha Ta'avas Nafesh"?


Rashi: Our Nefesh desired to see [You act based on] the name that You acquired from then, to avenge Your enemies.


Radak: Your name and memory of You were the desire of our souls. We desire that a Navi mention Your name to us, and tell us in Galus a word from You.


Malbim: Even when You conduct with us in the way of Mishpat we hoped for You. Via the Mishpat that You do, Your name is aggrandized in the world. You are the desire of our souls!

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