
Who is the Adam?


Radak: It is Sha'ul. She disgracefully called him a man, and not a king, because he cannot stand in front of David.


What is the meaning of "Tzreruah bi'Tzror ha'Chayim Es Hashem"?


Radak: You will go with Hashem all your days, so your pursuers cannot kill you, and evil will not befall you.


Targum Yonasan: In the world to come, your soul will be hidden for eternal life in front of Hashem. Radak - this is like Shabbos 152b; the Neshamos of Tzadikim are hidden under the Kisei ha'Kavod, and the Neshamos of Resha'im are cast from one end of the world to the other, and they have no rest.


Malbim #1: When you are pursued, your soul will be like something wrapped; the wrapping to protect you is Hashgachas Hashem.


Malbim #2: As a reward for needing to go to and for in the world, your soul will have eternal serenity.


What is "Kaf ha'Kela"?


Rashi: It is a wide piece of hide in the shape of a spoon in the middle of a slingshot, in which the stone is put.


What will be the punishment of his enemies?


Radak and Malbim #2 (from Shabbos 152b): The Neshamos of Resha'im are cast like something slung from one Kela (slingshot) from one end of the world to the other, and they have no rest.


Malbim #1: They cast arrows and rocks at David to kill him - through this, they cast their souls - "v'Golel Even Elav Tashuv" (Mishlei 26:27).

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