
What kind of stones is the Torah referring to?


Rashi: It is referring to weights. 1


Whereas "Eifah ve'Eifah" in Pasuk 14, is referring to dry measures.


Bearing in mind that, in the following Pasuk, in connection with dry measures, the Torah writes "be'Veischa", why here, does it write "be'Kischa"?


Oznayim la'Torah: This supports Chazal, who, in Shabbos, 79, refer to the custom of merchants to place their weights in a leather pouch - to prevent erosion


What are the connotations of "Gedolah u'Ketanah"? Does it mean that one is forbidden to possess weights of half a litra and a quarter of a litra?


Rashi and Targum Yonasan: No! The Torah is speaking where both weights are of the same denomination, only where the larger one clashes with the smaller one 1 - where he uses the larger one for purchasing, and the smaller one for selling. 2


Sifri (citing R. Akiva): No! It incorporates an Isur against retaining a Sela weight that has gone down in weight to less than a Shekel (a coin that equals half a Sela), and a Dinar that has gone down to less than a Tarp'ik (a coin that equals half a Dinar). 3


According to the Rashbam, the Torah is referring to someone who divdes a full measure into two half-measures, one slightly larger than the other - which are the correct weight when used together. See also Torah Temimah, citing the Sifri, and note 184, who explains the Sifri's question.


See Sifsei Chachamim..


See Torah Temimah, note 183.


What are the implications of "Gedolah u'Ketanah"?


Sifri: It confines the prohibiition to where the two weights are the same and it is possible to use one for purchasing and the other for selling, 1 and the same applies to two different dry-measures, in the following Pasuk ? to preclude possessing different weights of different denominations (a Litra, half a Litra and a quarter Litra), which is permitted.


Refer to 25:13:2:1. See Torah Temimah, ciging the Sifri and note 184.


Why does the Torah insert these Dinim here?


Seforno: After dealing with Mitzvos that concern bringing the Shechinah down to Yisrael (and of causing its withdrawal 1 ) the Torah is teaching us that it is not only the actual perversion of justice that Hashem hates (and that causes the withdrawal of the Shechinah), but even the retention of vessels with which to cheat - and from which one should therefore distance himself. 2


Refer to 22:13:1:1.


Refer also to 25:12:1:1*.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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