
What are the implications of the word "ve'Im Lo Yiga'el be'Eileh ... "?


Moshav Zekenim (citing Kidushin 15b): It means that if he is not redeemed through these (relatives), but through strangers, he (serves them, and) goes out in the Yovel, whereas if relatives redeem him he goes free immediately 1


Da'as Zekenim: It means that if Yisrael are not redeemed through "Eileh - ha'Mishpatim " (fulfilling the Mitzvos), Hashem will redeem them with the "Yovel" - the Shofar of Mashi'ach). 2


Targum Yonasan: It means that if he is not redeemed during these years (prior to the Yovel) he goes out in the Yovel.


Kidushin, 15b: It implies that the Eved Ivri who is sold to a Nochri can only go free by means of redemptionm but not after six years. 3


This is the opinion of R. Yossi ha'Gelili. R. Akiva there says the opposite. Neither of the two opinions however is Halachah. Refer to 25:49:6:1.


As the Pasuk writes in Yeshayah 27:13 "ba'Yom ha'Hu Yitaka be'Shofar Gadol".


See Torah Temimah, note 277.


The Gemara in Kidushin 15b learns that if the Eved Ivri is not redeemed "be'Eileh" (via strangers) ? but by relatives, he goes free. Surely he ought to continue to serve the relatives, to discourage him from selling himself to a Nochri, confident that his relatives will redeem him and he will go free?


Moshav Zekenim: It is unreasonable to obligate him to serve the relatives who redeem him more than he was obligated to serve the Nochri. 1


This does not however, explain why he does not serve the relatives until the Yovel?

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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