
What is the meaning of "Ma'adeh Beged b'Yom Karah"?


Rashi: Beged Edim, Beged Musar - a garment that it is proper to remove it from him, for it is worn out. The Targum of "va'Yasar" (Shemos 8:4) is v'Ya'adei.


Malbim: Ornamental garments are beautiful on a clear day. On a cold day, they are not beautiful, and they do not warm the body; he gets cold. One must wear warm garments then!


What is the comparison to vinegar on Neser?


Rashi: On a cold day, a worn out garment is like vinegar on Neser (soft earth, lime). They would carve out and make Kelim from it. If vinegar falls on it, it dissolves and is ruined.


Malbim: Strong vinegar strengthens a Kli prepared for it. If it is poured onto Neser, it melts and is ruined, and the vinegar spills.


What is the significance of "Shar ba'Shirim Al Lev Ra"?


Rashi: This is like both of them. This refers to one who teaches to an evil Talmid 1 (Chulin 133a), who does not intend to fulfill [what he learns].


Malbim: He sings songs made to gladden the Nefesh, on an evil heart. Just like ornamental garments do not help on a cold day, so these songs do not help, or strengthen the Nefesh. They only increase sadness and break the heart. They do not enter a person's innards or a deep heart. This is a Mashal for everything arranged on something not prepared to receive it.


Malbim: He did not beautify his exterior with good deeds. He cannot contain the water of Chachmah, and he melts and is stricken.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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