
What were the 'Malkachayim' and the 'Machtos'? What purpose did they serve?


Rashi, Rashbam, Targum Onkelos and Targum Yonasan: The 'Malkachayim' were tweezers to remove the wicks from the oil, 1 and the 'Machtos', shovels, to remove the burnt ashes. 2


Ramban 3 : The 'Malkachayim' were lids 4 to cover the lampholders, to prevent anything from falling into the oil; whereas the 'Machtos' were little bowls that were fitted underneath each lampholder to catch the sparks that fell from them.


Acording to the Rashbam, they were to place the wicks into the lampholders.


And the remaining oil, when preparing the Menorah each morning (Rashbam).


Based on a Beraisa (Refer to 25:39:2:4*).


As in Tehilim, 22:16 (See Ramban).


What is the significance of the fact that the three right-hand lamps and the three left-hand lamps faced the lamp on the center-shaft?


Seforno: Refer to 25:31:1.1:1 and note. To teach us that the Talmidei-Chachamim and the Ba'alei-Batim respectively, both toil towards the same aim, having in mind to serve the 'Or ha'Elyon' (the One who illuminates the universe). 1


Seforno, Ibid.: And it is for the same reason that the Menorah was (the only K'ki in the Mishkan that had to be) made out of one lump of gold - denoting unity.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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