
Having written that everything was fashioned from the same lump of gold as the Menorah itself - which was made of pure gold, why does the Torah see fit to add "Zahav Tahor"?


Oznayim la'Torah: To teach us that, if the Menorah is made from any metal other than gold, it does not ornamented with the goblets, knobs an flowers. 1


See Oznayim la'Torah who elaborates.


What does the juxtaposition of "Kikar" to "Zahav Tahor" imply?


Menachos, 28a: It implies that if the Menorah is not made out of gold, it does not need to weigh a Kikar.


What are the implications of the word "Yih'yu"?


Menachos, 28a: The Lashon Havayah indicates that the seven lamp-holders are an integral part of the Menorah and without them the Menorah is Pasul. Refer also to 25:31:4:1*.


Why does the Torah say "Kaftoreihem u'Kenosam"? It should say Kaftoreihem u'Knoseihem, or Kaftoram u'Knosam, or Kaneha v'Kaftoreihem!


Ha'amek Davar: The Kaftorim were fixed in the branches or Menorah through a small stick (Kaneh), like an apple stem. 1 These Kanim are of the Kaftorim. However, the Kaftorim from which the branches came out were big, and did not need sticks.


See Oznayim la'Torah, who elaborates on this explanation.

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