
How will we reconcile this Pasuk with the opening Pasuk in Vayikra, which states that Hashem spoke with Moshe from the Ohel Mo'ed, outside the Paroches?


Rashi: Comes a third Pasuk (at the end of Naso) and teaches us that Moshe entered the Mishkan, at which point the Voice descended from Heaven to between the two Keruvim, from where it spoke to Moshe.


What are the implications of "Veno'adti l'cha Sham"?


Rashi: It implies that whenever Hashem fixes a time to speak with Moshe, He will speak to him from there (from between the two Keruvim).


How will we reconcile the current Pasuk, "Veno'adti l'cha Sham", with the Pasuk in Shmuel 2, 22:11 "Vayirkav al K'ruv Vaya'of", implying that the Shechinah spoke with Yisrael from one of the Keruvim?


Rosh Hashanah, 31a: The Pasuk in Divrei Hayamim is speaking after the Shechinah made the first of its ten exiles - from the Kapores to the K'ruv. 1


See Torah Temimah, note 25.


How will we reconcile the current Pasuk, "Veno'adti l'cha Sham", which implies that Hashem was happy to dwell with Yisrael in the Mishkan that was twentyAmos long, with the Pasuk in Yeshayah, 66:1, "Eizeh Bayis ashwer Tivnu Li", which implies that there was not enough room in the Beis-Hamikdash - which measured sixty Amos - for Him to live in this world?


Sanhedrin, 7a: Hence the mantra 'When our love was strong, we could lie together on the edge of a sworn; now that it has waned, 1 even sixty Amos will not accomodate us'.


See Torah Temimah, note 27.


"Vedibarti itcha me'al ha'Kapores". What is the significance of the fact that Hashem spoke to Moshe from on top of the Kapores?


Yerushalmi Shabbos, 1:1: We learn via a Gezeirah Shavah - from the Pasuk at the end of Yisro "Atem Re'isem Ki min ha'Shamayim Dibarti Imachem" that, just as there Hashem spoke from a different domain, so too, here - to teach us that above ten Tefachim is considered a different domain. 1


See Torah Temimah, note 28. See also Torah Temimah, citing Sukah, 5a, which learns from here that the Shechinah never descended below ten Tefachim, and note 28.



Rashi writes that a third Pasuk resolves the contradiction. Why did the Torah write the first two Pesukim?


Tosfos ha'Shalem (in Vayikra 1:1[99]): If not for the first two Pesukim, we might have learned from the third Pasuk to elsewhere, or from elsewhere to it

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