
What did Yaakov mean when he declared, "Sell me your birthright like the day"?


Rashi (citing Targum Onkelos): He meant that Esav should sell him the birthright clearly (with no strings attached), like the day is clear. 1


Ramban (interpretation of Targum Onkelos) #1: 'Sell me the birthright today, which you will inherit whenever 2 that might be.'


Ramban (interpretation of Targum Onkelos) #2: 'Sell me the birthright, whenever (on the day that) 3 you inherit it.'


Rashbam: 'Sell me today, your portion of the birthright of my father's property, for the money that I will give you now.'


Riva: In the future, when there is Avodah, one cannot sell it. Now that there is no Avodah, you can sell it. 4


Da'as Zekenim, Hadar Zekenim: Sell it to me for its value today, i.e. mere Tovas Hana'ah. Perhaps you will die before father, and it will be worth nothing to you!


Ohr ha'Chayim: Refer to 25:33:152:1.


Malbim: Like you despise it today, sell it to me. If one is about to throw his wallet to the sea, another may ask to buy it for a loaf and porridge. This is not guile; it is like saving from Hefker!


Ha'amek Davar: Sell it according to Yitzchak's status today. If his status will change, you cannot claim that the value of the Bechorah changed.


Gur Aryeh: Refer to 25:31:1.1:1.


Targum Yonasan seems to explain the Pasuk in similar fashion (See Peirush Na'ar Yonasan); see Targum Yonasan to 25:33 as well.


Rashi and the Ramban are arguing as to whether the word 'd'Lehen' (used by Onkelos) means 'clear' or 'whenever' (See Ramban, who elaborates).


As if the Torah had written (not "ka'Yom," but) 'ba'Yom.'


Compare to Gur Aryeh; refer to 25:31:3.1:2.


What did Yaakov pay for the birthright?


Ramban: Ya?akov actually purchased the birthright with the lentil-stew. 1


Rashbam: Ya?akov bought the birthright for money, and he gave Eisav the lentil stew as a sign that he had sold it - to clinch the deal, as it were 2 (Now that Ya?akov was the B?chor, he was responsible for feeding the members of the household ? Malbim).


Refer to 25:30:3:1.


Like we find with regard to the covenant that Ya?akov made with Lavan (See Bereishis 31:46). See slso see Seforno and refer to 25:33:3:1.The Ramban cites commentaries who present a similar explanation, but rejects them. Refer to 25:33:1:1.


Why was Ya?akov so concerned that Eisav should not retain the Bechorah?


Rashi: Because the Avodah (in the Beis-Hamikdash) is through the Bechoros. Eisav was not worthy of this.


Malbim (in 25:29): The B?chor was responsible for running the house to finance his parents. Ya?akov was not concerned for inheriting a double portion. He wanted to inherit the Divine spiritual B?rachos and Eretz Yisrael, since he saw that Eisav is not worthy of this, and that Eisav did not fulfill what is incumbent on the B?chor (refer to 25:29:1:2) and despised the Bechorah.


Maharal #1 (Netzach Yisrael Ch. 15, p. 89): Eisav was physical, whereas the Bechorah is sanctity, disassociated from any physicality.


Maharal #2 (Gevuros Hashem Ch. 29, p. 113): Refer to 25:26:1.2:1, and note.


How can a Bechorah be sold? Halachah does not recognize the sale or acquisition of intangible items (Rambam, Hilchos Mechirah 22:13)!


Gur Aryeh: Esav sold himself to Yaakov regarding the birthright, along with all rights associated with it.


Also refer to 25:33:2:1, and the note there.



Rashi writes: "'Sell as this day' - As clear as day... a clear sale." Why is the word "day" added?


Maharal (Netzach Yisrael Ch. 15, p. 89): When Yaakov and Esav fought in the womb, they reached an agreement that Esav would receive this world, and Yaakov would receive the world-to-come. 1 The sanctity of the Bechorah relates to the next world; Yaakov was asking Esav to sell it to him, as they had agreed on 'that day,' i.e. in the womb.


Refer to 25:22:2.4.


Rashi writes: "'Your first-born [obligations] - The Avodah (sacrificial service) is performed by the firstborn; Yaakov said, 'This wicked one is unworthy to serve before HaSh-m!'" Is it possible for a Kohen to sell his status to someone else?


Mizrachi: Yaakov only wanted to prevent Esav from filling this role; not to become the Kohen himself. That is why he made Esav swear to ratify the sale. 1


Gur Aryeh: Today, a Kohen cannot sell his status, for the Torah has assigned it to him, and any other person is disqualified. 2 However, prior to Matan Torah, the Avodah belonged to the firstborn as an honor [as logic and propriety dictate that the eldest and most distinguished son should serve]. He was therefore able to defer that honor to someone else, just as a Torah scholar may defer the honor of the first Aliyah to someone else.


Gur Aryeh: Although this answer would explain our Rashi; Rashi (to 27:36) later explains that Yitzchak was satisfied that his blessings had been given to the correct son. This implies that Yaakov did in fact become the first-born through this sale!


Compare to Riva; refer to 25:31:1:5.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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