
What are the connotations of "Al P?nei Kol Echav Nafal"?


Rashi #1, Rashbam and Targum Onkelos: It means that "he dwelt (encamped) in front of all his brothers". 1


Rashi #2: Here it writes that Yishmael fell, whereas earlier (16:12) it writes that he dwelt? As long as Avraham lived, he dwelt (safely); once Avraham died, he fell/


Targum Yonasan: It means that he settled in the land of his inheritance in front of all his brothers." 2


Ba'al ha'Turim: It juxtaposes the fall of Yishmael to the generations of Yitzchak - to hint that when Yishmael falls at the end of days, Mashi'ach the son of David, who descends from Yitzchak, will flourish. May it happen soon in our days!


Ha'amek Davar: Initially, Yishmael was not a strong enough nation to conquer and expel others, just they fell upon (raided) them. Later, they increased, and dwelled in serenity and other nations feared them.


This may refer to Zimron and Yokshan, son of Keturah. See Ibn Ezra.


This may refer to Zimron and Yokshan, son of Keturah. See Ibn Ezra.

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