
What is the meaning of "Ki Somar ["Hen Lo Yadanu Zeh]"?


Rashi: Perhaps you will say. Here, "Ki" means perhaps.


R. Yonah #1, Malbim #2: If you will say that you did not know a counsel to save them...


R. Yonah #2, Malbim #1: If you will say that you did not know of their affliction, that they were taken to die.


Why does it say "ha'Lo Sochen Libos Hu Yavin"?


R. Yonah: If you slackened from thinking about the matter, He knows if you would have been able to save and had you exerted according to your intellect's ability.


Malbim: Even if people will believe your claim that you did not know, Hashem know thoughts in the heart!


What is the connection of "v'Notzer Nafshecha Hu" to "Yeda v'Heshiv l'Adam k'Fa'alo"?


R. Yonah: One will be punished for letting his brother die and not investigating how to save him, like one is punished for a sin in action. You know that Hashem oversees your thoughts. You cannot fix your heart and straighten your Midos without His help. You need Him to guard your Nefesh - you cannot last without his guarding, and He knows that you hid from saving] those taken to die!


Malbim: Yedi'ah applies to something seen overtly. Your deeds are written and illustrated on the tablet of your Nefesh. He returns a man's actions to him, Midah k'Neged Midah.

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