


Rashi writes that Eliezer told Yitzchak about all the miracles that he encountered. Why did he do so?


Rashbam: To convince him that Rivkah was his Bashert.


Peninim mi'Shulchan ha'Gra: The letters of "Es Kol ha'Devarim asher Asah" are the acronym of 'Al Tetameh Ki Lo Hayah Dam Besulim, Ra'asah Yardah Miyad Avdah Sham, Ra'ah Sham Ofo,s Shomrim ha'Dam' - 'Do not be astounded [when you have relations with her] that there is no blood of virginity. She saw [you], descended (from the camel) and immediately lost [her Besulim] 1 there. He saw birds guarding the blood'.


This implies that she literally fell off the camel when she saw Yitzchak - causing her to lose her virginity when she struck the ground. Refer to 24:62:1:1 and note 2.


Rashi writes: "[Eliezer] revealed to Yitzchak the miracles that happened to him." But the verse says, "The servant told Yitzchak all the things that he did;" whereas according to Rashi, it should say, 'the things that happened to him'?


Gur Aryeh: Eliezer related, 'I traveled in one day from here to Charan, in miraculous fashion;' as well as that he Davened and Rivkah was immediately sent to him. This can in fact be called Eliezer's doing.

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