
Above in Pasuk 22, the Torah wrote that he placed the ornaments on her even before asking her about her family. Why did Eliezer switch the order?


Rashi: To avoid them pulling him up and asking him how he could place the ornaments before knowing who she was. 1


Rashbam and Ramban: Refer to 24:22:2:2 and note.


Ohr ha'Chayim: Had he admitted that he gave before asking, Besu'el could claim that this was a reward for serving him, 2 and the ornaments belonged to him (since a father receives his daughter's earnings). Therefore he said that he gave them to her for bridal ornaments after she answered him.


Refer to 24:22:2:1.


Could anyone claim that he gave her bracelets "Asarah Zahav Mishkalam" for drawing water?! Indeed, the father of Lavan the swindler could! (PF)

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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