
Why does it say that Eliezer was standing "Al ha'Ayin"?


Ohr ha'Chayim, citing Yalkut Shimoni: When he saw Lavan running with evil intent, 1 Eliezer said HaSh-m's name to elevate the camels in the air above the spring, and he was by them. Lavan said "Bo, Beruch HaSh-m," and Eliezer descended. He then said "Why do you stand outside?"


Ohr ha'Chayim: Even though Rivkah said that there is room in her father's house to lodge, he did not go to her house; rather, he stayed at the well.


Ha'amek Davar: The camels were by the Be'er, and Eliezer was by the spring, overseeing them.


This is unlike what Ohr ha'Chayim explained above (refer to 23:29:152:1). Or, perhaps Eliezer mistakenly thought that Lavan had evil intent.

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