
Why is it written Ben Ish Chai, and we pronounce it Ben Ish Chayil?


Radak (citing Brachos 18b): Also his father was a Gibor Chayil (strong and valiant); Chai teaches that he was a Tzadik, for Tzadikim are called alive even in their death.


Radak citing Targum Yonasan: He was the son of a man who is Dachil (fears) sin.


What is "mi'Kavtze'el"?


Radak, Malbim: Kavtze'el is the name of a place in Yehudah (Yehoshua 15:21) "Kavtze'el v'Eder v'Yagur."


Radak citing Brachos 18b: He gathered people to [learn] Torah.


What are "Shnei Ari'el Mo'av"?


Rashi citing Targum Yonasan: Two Ravrevei 1 of Mo'av. Radak - Ari'el is like Ari El. A lion is strong, and also El is an expression of strength.


Rashi citing Brachos 18b: He did not leave someone like himself, not in the first Mikdash and not in the second. It is called Ari'el Mo'av, for Shlomo, who comes from Rus ha'Mo'aviyah, built it. Radak - the Beis ha'Mikdash is called Ari'el - "Hoy Ari'el" (Yeshayah 29:1).


Yayin ha'Tov explains this to be officers. Ravrevei always means great or many; Radak explains the Targum to mean Giborim, and so explains Malbim. (PF)


Why does it say "b'Yom ha'Sheleg"?


Radak: A lion gets stronger on a cold, snowy day 1 . Malbim - and then, a man is weaker.


Radak citing Brachos 18b #1: He broke the ice and immersed in the freezing water (Rashi - due to the decree that a Ba'al Keri must immerse before learning).


Radak citing Brachos 18b #2: He learned all of Sifra d'Vei Rav (Toras Kohanim; Tosfos - it is the most difficult to learn) on one winter day (it is shorter than a summer day).


Radak: This is primary, for the verse discusses his strength, and not his learning or piety (refer to 23:20:5:2,3).



Rashi writes that Benayahu killed nobles of Mo'av. He was a Kohen. How could he become Tamei?


Radak: Hashem commanded to fight the seven Kena'ani nations and others who afflict Yisrael. He did not distinguish between Kohanim and others (all are commanded). He commanded that a Kohen be Mashu'ach Milchamah and go to war with Yisrael. Pinchas became Tamei through killing Zimri and Kozbi 1 , and went to war against Midyan with Yisrael.


Radak holds that Pinchas was a Kohen even before he killed Zimri, unlike Rashi (refer to Bamidbar 25:13:2:1). The Mashu'ach Milchamah merely speaks to the soldiers. Perhaps he must go near the battlefront, where it is known that dead soldiers are hastily buried without any marker above. (PF)

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