
Why does it say here "va'Yisyatzev


Yerushalmi (Sanhedrin 12b): This teaches that he returned it entirely to the owner, and it was dear to him like [many fields, as if it was] a field full of saffron. Radak (16, based on Bava Kama 61a): David was told that as king, he may use others' property to save himself, or feed it to his animals; he refrained from doing so. 1


Radak: There it refers to Shamah and Elazar. Here it refers only to Shamah, for he was primary in that war 2 .


Malbim: The salvation was through all of them, including David.


The Yerushalmi explains why it says there va'Yatziluha, but not why it says va'Yisyatzvu. (PF)


Radak holds that this is not the same war mentioned in verse 10, in which Elazar was primary. Malbim (9) holds that both discuss the same war.

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