
What is the significance of 'Rosh ha'Pe'or' to which Balak now took Bil'am?


Rashi: Balak, who was a great sorcerer, 1 foresaw that Yisrael would be stricken with a calamity on that spot, 2 and he thought that perhaps this pertained to Bil'am's curse taking effect.


Refer to 23:14:2:1 ? though this time the calamity that he foresaw was the sin of Ba?al Pe?or and its aftermath, as recorded later in the Parshah.


Rashi: As is always the case with astrologers (and sorcerers), who foresee events without fully comprehending what they are seeing.


What happened to the officers of Mo'av? Why are they not mentioned here?


Oznayim la'Torah: When they saw that after two attempts to curse Yisrael, Bil'am did not succeed, they gave up on him and left. 1


Oznayim la'Torah: They did not even accompany Balak - because he too had failed them. Refer to 23:18:3:1*.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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