
What is the meaning of "Hikuni Val Chalisi Halamuni Bal Yadati"?


R. Yonah: The Yetzer for drinking wine overpowered him greatly. Amidst this, he does not heed wine's damage.


Malbim: First he says that they hit him, and he felt it, but he did not get ill. Then Halamuni, which is more than hitting, and not only did I not get ill, I did not even know.


Why does it say "[Hikuni Val Chalisi Halamuni Bal Yadati] Masai Akitz Osif Avakshenu Od"?


Rashi: When he wakens from his wine, he does not feel all the evils that passed over him, and he returns to drink.


R. Yonah: He praises wine, and forgets all its damage. He remembers the one benefit found in it, and says that wine removes all sighing; one [who drinks] is not pained over timely matters. He does not desire to waken from his wine, rather, to seek to drink more.


Malbim: He is in a constant sleep, and even so he desires to waken, not to separate from wine, rather, so he can seek it more.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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