
Why does it say "Ki Sovei v'Zolel Yivaresh"?


Rashi: He will wax poor.


R. Yonah #1: This comes to denigrate desire, and show that its way is a bad path. It makes one lose also this world. One who is drawn after desire, he is gluttonous and gets drunk. He becomes poor, for he squanders his money to fulfill his desire.


R. Yonah #2: This comes to degrade pleasures and laziness. Both of them make a person poor. It is proper that a father's rebuke begin with them, for abandoning pleasures, and Zerizus, are a great Tikun for the body. Your body is the abode of your Nefesh.


Malbim: In any case, you should do [like I say] due to what benefits and harms. One who is gluttonous and gets drunk, he becomes poor.


Malbim (based on the Nimshal): He will become poor from wealth of Chachmah.


What is the meaning of "u'Kra'im Talbish Numah"?


Rashi: Laziness and sleep clothe you with torn garments.


R. Yonah: One who is drawn after desire, this leads to laziness and sleep. Especially wine begets sleep. Therefore, it degrades sleep. This is like "Me'at Shenos Me'at Tenumos...; "u'Va chi'Mehalech Reishecha" (6:10-11).


Malbim: One who sleeps and does not work, his sleep clothes him with torn garments.


Malbim (based on the Nimshal): He will be naked from clothing of good Midos and garments of intellect.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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