
It says above (22:28) "Al Taseg Gevul Olam." Why is this repeated?


R. Yonah: It says about Gezel he'Oni "Ki Hashem Yariv Rivam" (22:23). Now it says so about Gezel from orphans, even if they are rich.


Malbim: Our verse reveals that this refers to the Gevul of Aniyim.


Why should you not enter the field of orphans?


Rashi (from Sifra Kedoshim): Do not take Leket, Shichechah and Pe'ah, which is proper for them. Malbim - Gevul contradicts Olam. Gevul is what every individual has; it is not special to the entire world. There is a Gevul for the entire world, i.e. the Gevul for Aniyim anywhere to take their Matanos. Our verse forbids breaching this Gevul, and not to enter orphans' fields. Do not say, their power is weak, so they will not come to Din with you.

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