
Who is "Lo Yeishvu be'Artz'cha referring to?


Gitin, 45a: It is referring to Cana'anim who persist in worshipping Avodah Zarah, 1 but not to those who undertake to desist from doing so. 2


But who made peace with Yisrael before they entered the land. See Torah See Temimah, note 165, who elaborates.


Gitin (Ibid.): As is evident from the Pasuk in Ki Seitzei, 23:16 - in connection with an Eved Cana'ani who rins away from his master "Lo Sasgir Eved el Adonav ... Imcha Yeishev be'Kirbecha".


What are the connotations of "Ki Sa'avod es Eloheihm"?


Rashi (in Teshuvos): It means ' ... in case you worship their gods'.


Targum Onkelos and Targum Yonasan: It means ' ... because you will worship their gods'.


What are the connotations of "Ki Yih'yeh l'cha la'Mokesh"?


Ramban: Refer to 23:33:3:1-2.


Oznayim la'Torah: A Mokesh (a snare) is innocent-looking from the outside, but it causes havoc and destruction, so too one initially thinks what can be wrong with paying allegience to the sun and moon - agents of the Creator that illuminate the earth, provide it with warmth and produce its fruit. But ultimately, the snare explodes, causing many to fall. 'Lest you are attracted after them ... also their sons and daughters they burn in fire!" 1


How does the phrase "Ki Yih'yeh l'cha le'Mokesh" fit into the Pasuk?


Rashi: It follows the previous phrase - ' ... when you worship their gods which will ensnare you'.


Ramban and Seforno: The (inverted) Pasuk reads 'They shall not dwell in your land, because they will be for a trap, lest they cause you to sin when you worship their gods'.


Targum Onkelos and Targum Yonasan: '... because you will worship their gods, because they will be a trap for you'.


Moshav Zekenim: The word "le'Mokesh" is written immediately before "Alei el Hashem ... Nadav va'Avihu", since ascending Har Sinai proved to be a pitfall for Nadav va'Avihu who saw the Shechinah and were Chayav Misah.

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