
What is "Masa Tzor"?


Radak: It is the Nevu'ah of its destruction. It was a commerce city.


Why should the ships of Tarshish wail?


Rashi: They became rich via merchants of Tzor. Ships of Tarshish brought merchandise to Tzor. Tarshish is the name of the sea (to which Tzor opens).


Radak: Also Tarshish was a commerce city. Ships went constantly from Tarshish to Tzor. Therefore, the ships of Tarshish should lament that they have no place to go, for Tzor will be destroyed.


What is the meaning of "Ki Shudad mi'Bayis mi'Bo"?


Rashi: It was plundered inside - the place where you used to lodge, one cannot go there. You will not have a place to lodge there!


Radak: The place where you used to come until now, now it is desolate from any merchant going there. "Mi'Bayis" is from being a house and place. Similarly, "v'Hishbatich mi'Zonah" (Yechezkel 16:41) - I stopped you from being a Zonah; "va'Yim'ascha mi'Melech" (Shmuel I, 15:23) is from being king.


Malbim: You will not find a place to lodge, and not even mi'Bo (a port where ships dock), for when Nebuchadnetzar conquered Tzor and destroyed all the houses, the sea rose and flooded everything, also the harbor for the boats.


Who lives in Kitim?


Rashi: The Romiyim.


What is the meaning of "Niglah Lamo"?


Rashi #1: The plunderer exiled the residents of Tzor.


Rashi #2: From Eretz Kitim it was revealed to Anshei Tarshish the plunder of Tzor. Bnei Tzor fled to Kitim, and from there it was heard.


Radak: [From the land of the Kitim] they came upon them. We know that Nebuchadnetzar destroyed Tzor, like it says explicitly in Yechezkel (26:7). Kitim descend from Yavan! How can it say "me'Eretz Kitim"? My father said, Kitim were merchants who went to Bavel, and told them to go to Tzor, and they can seize it, and they will help them. They will go via the sea.


Malbim: From Eretz Kitim, the destruction of Tzor was revealed to the boats of Tarshish. Bnei Kitim told them.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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