
Why does it say "Yesaper Chalom"?


Rashi: [One who has a dream] should tell it like folly, like other dreams, and establish it to be Nevu'ah.


Radak: How do you equate one who dreams a dream, and Nevu'ah that comes in a dream?! One who dreams, he tells his dream, and if it turns out that there is Emes in it, it is a little, for dreams are [based on] imagination [rooted it] thoughts while awake and thoughts of the future. Most are not correct - "va'Chalammos ha'Shav Yedaberu" (Zecharyah 10:2).


Malbim: A Navi knows the difference between a dream and Nevu'ah. If he knows that he has a dream, he tells that it is a dream, and not Nevu'ah. If he knows that it is My word, i.e. Nevu'ah, he says My true word, and does not mix in dreams and folly.


Why does it say "va'Asher Devari Ito Yedaber Devari Emes"?


Radak: He will say something Emes. If it is My word in a dream to a Navi, he will say words of Emes without any Sheker at all. It says regarding dreams "Yesaper" and regarding Nevu'ah "Yedaber", for one who tells a dream, it is a mere story of what he saw, like one who tells things that he heard. The intellect has no share in it; it is through the power of imagination. It says about a prophetic dream "Yedaber", for it is via the power of Dibur, i.e. intellect, with the power of imagination.


What is the meaning of "Mah la'Teven Es ha'Bar"?


Rashi: This is like Im ha'Bar - what does Sheker have to do with Emes?!


Radak: Words of dreamers are like straw. Its only benefit is for animals to eat it, or for work 1 . Bar (grain) is for people to eat. How can one equate them?!


Radak citing Targum Yonasan: Like the difference between straw and grain, so is the difference between Resha'im and Tzadikim.


Radak citing Brachos 55a: Just like you cannot have grain without straw, you cannot have a dream without vain matters.


Malbim: This is one of the three ways to recognize whether something is Nevu'ah or a dream. (a) A prophetic dream has no mixture of straw or waste or anything false; it is pure grain and true matters. Also refer to 23:29:1:3, 23:29:3:2.

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E.g. to make bricks (Shemos 5:16) or to heat an oven (Shabbos 36b). (PF)

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