
What are "Batei ha'Kedeshim"?


Rashi: They are houses of Zenus (brothels).


Targum Yonasan: Batei Hekdesh Ta'avasa (idolatry houses 1 ).


Malbim: They are houses of women for Zenus and to weave curtains to cover the Asherah.


Refer to 23:7:2:1 and the note there.


Targum Yonasan says that Batei ha'Kedeshim are idolatry houses. Elsewhere he translates "v'Gam Kadesh Hayah ba'Aretz" and "va'Ya'aver ha'Kedeshim Min ha'Aretz" (Melachim I, 14:24, 15:12) simply, i.e. Nafkas Bara (a harlot)!


Radak: (a) The end of our verse "the women weave there Batim for the Asherah" implies that it refers to idolatry. (b) If here it refers to Zenus, why was it in Beis Hashem?! Rather, Menasheh 1 made an Asherah in Beis Hashem, and he made houses for women to weave curtains for its honor.


Radak (verse 4) said that Menasheh removed the idolatry from the Heichal, and Amon returned it. Perhaps he removed the Asherah itself from Beis Hashem, but left Batei ha'Kedeshim, for there is no more idolatry. They can weave there Parochos for Hashem! Or, like Radak said above (22:8), that Menasheh did not live long after he repented [and did not seek the Sefer Torah. Likewise, he removed the idolatry, but not Batei ha'Kedeshim.] Yoshiyah realized that they are abominable even after the Asherah is removed, so he destroyed them. (PF)


What are "Batim la'Asherah"?


Rashi: They are curtains. Radak - this is like "Batim la'Badim" (Shemos 37:14). Perhaps they were hung around the Asherah, and it had a 'house' and place.


Radak citing Targum Yonasan: [Women bring there] Makulin to the Asherah. The Aruch explained that this is like Mechilasa, i.e. measures 1 .


Indeed, "Bas" is a measure (Rashi, Melachim I, 7:26). However, why does the verse teach that they gave measures to the Asherah, but not say what they gave?! (PF)

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