Why is the 'Me'aras ha'Machpelah' so-called?
Rashi #1: Because it consisted of two stories, a ground floor and an attic (or two rooms, one within the other). 1
Rashi #2: Because only couples were buried there. 2
Ramban #1: That was the name of the cave. 3
Ramban #2 (citing a Midrash): Because Hashem 'folded Adam's height' (who was 100 Amos tall) before burying him there.
Seforno and Rashbam: The entire area (valley) was called 'Machpelah;' as a later Pasuk states, "ha'Sadeh asher ba'Machpelah" (23:17). 4
Because the root of "Machpelah" is 'Kefel' - double.
Refer to 23:2:2:3. Answers #1 & #2 are subject to a dispute between Rav and Shmuel in Eruvin 93a. See Torah Temimah, note 5.
See Ramban.
Gur Aryeh: Why doesn't Rashi explain this way? The latter Pasuk does not mean 'in Machpelah', but rather 'the field that was next to [the] Machpelah [cave]."
How can the cave have been called "Me'aras ha'Machpelah' because of the couples who were [buried there], bearing in mind that they were not buried there yet (and the name would have been meaningless)?
Gur Aryeh: Based on the dimensions of the cave itself, it was determined that it would be suitable for four couples to be buried there.
Why did Avraham say on the one hand "Ve'yiten" - an expression of a gift - and on the other, "be'Kesef Malei"?
Ramban #1: Because he considered it a gift for which he was willing to pay - in full.
Ramban #2: It is a manner of speech to say 'Yiten' [even] for a sale.
Seforno and Rosh: "Ve'yiten Li" means "Give me permission to make it a burial site." He did not have in mind to receive it as a gift.
Targum Yonasan: "T'nu li" means (not 'Give me', but) 'Sell me'
Or ha'Chayim: Avraham was wise to use an expression of a gift, in case Efron would contest the sale in the future, claiming that he did not know its value, especially according to the Zohar, that the cave was always dark and he never saw it inside.
He was willing to pay an exorbitant price because that is what Efron asked for. 1
Because it is a Kavod for the Mitzvah to pay in full and not to haggle over the price - like David ha'Melech when he purchased the location of the Beis-Hamikdash from Aravnah ha'Yevusi (See Divrei ha'Yamim I 21:24).
Seeing as there was only one cave that fit the description 'Me'aras ha'Machpelah,' why did Avraham need to add, "Asher bi'Ketzei Sadeihu," and why did he add "la'Achuzas Kaver"?
Oznayim la'Torah: Avraham specified three reasons as to why Efron should agree to the sale: (a) He only asked for the cave and not for the field 1 in which it was situated; (b) He pointed out that the cave was at the edge of the field - so that firstly, the sale would in no way interfere with the owner's usage of the field and secondly, it was far away from the town and the residents would therefore not be disturbed by the smell 2 and (c) He would confine its usage to a burial-site, and not encroach upon their (current) rights to the land.
Ohr ha'Chayim: Avraham asked only to buy the cave. "La'Achuzas Kaver" teaches that he will bury also others there; Efron cannot protest that he sold a lone gravesite, and does not permit others, lest traffic increase through his field.
Malbim: Even though people do not sell their inheritances to strangers, this does not apply to a small corner "bi'Ketzei Sadeihu." Even though it is la'Achuzas Kaver, since it is a gift, Efron can rule that this does not violate the custom (refer to 23:8:1.1:3*).
Ha'amek Davar: Since he was selling it as a grave-site, the neighbors would not be able to protest - seeing as a grave-site obtains rights to a bigger path to it than a lone grave does.
Why did Avraham want specifically Me'aras ha'Machpelah?
Riva: When he ran to the herd [to get bulls for his guests], a bull fled to there, and he saw that Adam and Chavah were buried there (Midrash 1 ).
Hadar Zekenim uses this Midrash to explain how Avraham knew that the cave is at the end of Efron's field.
What was the uniqueness of the Me'aras ha'Machpelah?
Gur Aryeh #1 (to 23:2): Refer to 23:2:2.3:1. Chevron, city of giants, was meant for giants of the spirit. The name Kiryas Arba shows its connection to the upper worlds.
Maharal #1 (Chidushei Agados Vol. 2, p. 53, to Sotah 13a): This location was appropriate for the foundations of the world, namely the three Avos, as well as Adam, the father of all of mankind. A place (Makom) is defined as an area of four by four, 1 and as such, four couples are buried there.
Gur Aryeh #2 (to 47:29): According to the Midrash, the dead will be revived from within the Me'arah.
Maharal #2 (Chidushei Agados Vol. 3, p. 84, to Bava Basra 58a): Just as the cave was doubled, each of the forefathers had a dual aspect - both his own achievements, as well as being the cause for the achievements of his descendants.
For example, 4 Tefachim define a Reshus ha'Yachid for Hotza'ah on Shabbos (Shabbos 6a); 4 Amos for acquiring an object in a public space (Bava Metzia 10a). (CS)
Rashi writes: "'B'Kesef Malei' - [Avraham said,] 'I shall pay its full value.'" How else might I have interpreted the verse?
Gur Aryeh: We might have read it, 'I shall give [the entire cave] filled with money;" but if the subject was the cave (Me'arah), the verse should have said 'b'Kesef Mele'ah,' in the feminine.