
What did Efron mean when he added "between me and you, what is it"?


Rashi: Between good friends like us, 1 [a field worth] four hundred silver Shekalim is like nothing. Abandon the sale 2 [and accept it for a gift]! 3


Rashbam: He meant that the option to accept the field as a gift was still open (as if to say 'Why pay four hundred Shekalim when you can get it free?) 4


Seforno: The price is so cheap that the verbal agreement will suffice to consider it as if you had buried her in your property, even though you have not yet paid for it.


Malbim: (a) The price is so little that it is not proper to discuss whether it will be a gift or a sale. (b) You said that amidst the money, the seller resolved to transfer ownership. This does not apply to a mere 400; it is like a gift! Therefore, you may bury only your Mes, but not make it a cemetery.


Gur Aryeh: Rashi emphasizes this to distinguish this verse from other verses containing the words "between me and you" (e.g. Bereishis 31:49), which do not indicate any affection.


Gur Aryeh: Why does Rashi add this? The conjunctive "and bury" shows that this is a new idea. Efron said, 'The sale is irrelevant, and bury your dead without it (i.e. for free).'


Yet Efron himself reneged according to Rashi, and took full payment. Refer to 23:16:1:1.


Refer to 23:16:2:1*.


What was the significance of 400 Shekalim that Avraham paid for the Me'aras ha'Machpelah?


Rashi: Refer to 23:16:1:1.


Ramban #1: Four hundred Shekalim was the price of the field that Efron or his father had paid for it, and that is the amount that Avraham now paid for it.


Ramban #2 (citing Targum Onkelos): That was the going price.


Ramban #3 (citing Chazal): Efron charged an exorbitant price, according to his fancy.


Divrei Eliyahu and Kol Eliyahu: It is proper to have 600,000 people at a Tzadik's funeral. Each person is an Amah by an Amah. They occupy 600,000 square-Amos, which is eight Beis Korim. The Torah fixed redemption of a Hekdesh field at fifty Shekalim per Beis Kor.


There are seven mentions of burying his Mes. Not all are needed! Also, why do the first six put 'bury' before 'Mes,' and the last puts 'Mes' before 'bury'?


Divrei Eliyahu, Kol Eliyahu: This hints to seven others who will be buried there [from then on; for Adam and Chavah were already there]. Six were Tzadikim (Sarah, Avraham, Rivkah, Yitzchak, Leah and Yaakov), who are considered alive even in death, until just before Techiyas ha'Mesim. One (Esav's head) was a Rasha, who is considered dead even in his lifetime.

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