
What are the connotations of ?u?Kesamim be?Yadam??


Rashi #1 and Seforno: It means literally that they brought with them various kinds of sorcery, so that Bil'am would not be able to refuse them on the grounds that he did not have his equipment with him. 1


Rashi #2: It means that the elders of Midyan divined that if Bil'am consents immediately, he has 'Mamash' (substance), but that, in the event that he stalls, he has no To'eles (purpose). Therefore, after he told them to stay overnight, they concluded that there was no hope in him; so they left him. 2 and did not return.


Da'as Zekenim (citing Targum Yerushalmi): They brought scrolls of sorcery (incantations).


Seforno: See Yechezkel, 21:27.


See Pasuk 8 & 14)


Since when does a sorcerer work without the tools of his trade, until one needs to brng him an assortment before he can begin to operate?


Oznayim la'Torah: The Gemara in Sanhedrin, 67, explains that there are two kinds of sorery: witchcraft, which does not require specific tools, and manipulating the demons, which does. 1 Consequently, Balak, who was a greater expert in Kishuf than Bil'im, but who knew that Kishuf does not work against Yisrael, wanted Bil'am to utilize the latter method of sorcery; and, in case Bil'am would argue that he was accustomed to using witchcraft and did not therefore have the tools to work with the demons, he sent along an assortment of tools with which to operate. 2


See Oznayim la'Torah DH 'u'Kesamim be'Yadam' #1.


Relying on the fact that, in his superior wisdom, he would be able to adapt to that form of sorcery.



Rashi writes that if he consents, he has Mamash; if he stalls, there is no To'eles with him. When he told them to stay overnight, they said there is no Tikvah from him. What is the significance of these words?


Divrei Eliyahu: Moshe did not need any preparation for prophecy. When needed, he immediately asked Hashem. For Bil'am to overcome him, he must be greater, and not need to ask Hashem, rather, Hashem would tell him before he needs to ask. This is Mamash, to overcome Yisrael. Since he needed to ask Hashem, he is equal to Moshe; we do not know who will win ? this is 'Ein Bo To'eles.' He told them to stay overnight, i.e. he is much inferior to Moshe, who speaks with Hashem during the day. If so, there is no Tikvah of any help from him.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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